Monday, December 20, 2010

How the Hell Did This Happen?

(from flickr user gajbireland)

I've been observing both the WWE and TNA recently, and my complaints are many. I'm going to shelve them, though, in order to focus on the damndest thing I've ever seen: John Cena has heat. Crazy heat. More than I've seen since probably Goldberg or Degeneration X.

And I'm confounded by this, because I've been watching DVDs of pay-per-views dating back to 2008, and the fan enthusiasm for him has been unfathomable. It's so overwhelming, that it doesn't even stick out in the context of "vs. other current wrestlers."

But I'm not interested in the wrestling of this millennium in the context of itself, but only how it would compare to that of 90s stars (or I should say stars in the 90s: be prepared for a Mysterio v. Mysterio article). With that in mind, articles should begin trickling in comparing a few stars of now to stars of then, beginning first with Cena and Goldberg. Granted, I'm not hoping to draw an analog to current storylines (or I'd put Cena up against Steve Austin), or even wrestlers of similar talent (or I'd put Cena with Hogan). I'm just hoping to create some sort of story tying two wrestlers together that isn't necessarily analogous.

Tune in later today.

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